radiant heat? yes. that's what's happening here. molten lava, gin gimlets and warm urine will alternately will flow through the red, seemingly inflexible tubing joren is so lovingly laying. thousands of screws hold the boards in place. now we're using a roofing nail gun, because it's much louder and requires hundreds of thousands of nails. you do the math. or don't. in any event it makes sense. and more noise.
some of the boards are black. some are board color. forget that. they're just black and board color. mind your own business. it has nothing to do with the heating tubes.
phase one of tube city happened this winter. hence, the fire. also, pre-insulation. joren's currently finishing up the laying of the tube right this second, not 10 noisy feet above my fragile cranium. what's not sound proofed? the basement apartment or my skull that's as thin as an eggshell.