Friday, March 23, 2012

it might not look fancy

probably because it isn't. but it's the coziest basement i will ever inhabit. with any luck, the only basement i will ever inhabit. this is the living room. it's where we do most of our living (aka watching battlestar galactica) when we're not hanging drywall. also, see the blue surgical drop cloth? you wouldn't know it to see it, but it blocks about .01% of the bathroom stink wafting from the other side of the wall.

we're kind of like mole people. you can mostly tell by my mole eyes. also, we're underground. below: kitchen/bathroom/laundry. i haven't experienced a toilet so close to a cooking facility since rural myanmar. also, hello, coconut! can you see coconut? open your eye holes. coconut!

boudoir. and the headboard? plywood storage!

a snow day in portland, oregon

the dusting that brings our lovely city to a screeching halt.

drywall fun

step right up and grab a knife. whoa. careful now. knives are SHARP! and pointy! not just for fun and throwing and juggling.

and i know it's a little blurry, but aren't these tulips gorgeous? also, the stitches. i'm happy to say joren did not execute this batch himself. although i hate to admit his self-ministered ones looked a little better. a little. the black thumbnail is unrelated.