Thursday, August 18, 2011

new construction

living room wall where such classics as "Nell", "Roadhouse" and "Saved By The Bell" will be projected NONSTOP.

yeah. sure. joren's building a house. good for him. but look at these delicious snacks!

1 comment:

  1. Beth, these snacks look really terrific. Very impressive. The one question i have is: what is up with all that wood being in the way? It's really cluttering up the view of the snacks. Next time, please ask Joren to move the ladder too. Not helping the composition of the food at all. It distracts me from envisioning how delicious that wine looks.

    (PS: in case you don't recognize me from my awesomely ambiguous profile pic, this is Stacy's coworker/friend Becky who is now your weird blog stalker since we talked at her bday BBQ.)
